Well-managed growth and development can present exciting opportunities for citizens of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District. The Planning and Development Services Department prepares plans and policies to guide development, issues a variety of building and development permits and works with SLRD communities to create a sustainable vision for their future.
The principal functions of the SLRD Planning and Development Services Department are:
- to prepare and administer SLRD land use bylaws and policies;
- to prepare reports with respect to land use for consideration by the SLRD Board;
- to facilitate participation in the land use process;
- to answer land use inquiries and process applications related to the use and development of land;
- to act as a resource to the SLRD Board and the public on planning and development matters;
- to administer the BC Building Code in the issuance of building permits; and
- to prepare, maintain and address enforcement issues related to regulatory bylaws.
The Planning & Development department is responsible for:
- Building Department
- Bylaw Enforcement
- Mapping
- Planning & Development Services (including Development Applications and Approvals, Policies and Plans, Official Community Plans, Zoning Bylaws, and Regulatory Bylaws)
- Climate Action
- Agriculture and Food Systems