External Organizations & Other Appointments

AgencyElectoral Area / Member Municipality representedRepresentative (Alternate in brackets)
Bridge River Valley Community AssociationElectoral Area AS. DeMare
Flood Control Committee (administered by the City of Chilliwack)Electoral Area C, Electoral Area D, Squamish, Whistler, PembertonR. Mack (M. Richman)
Fraser Basin Council BoardAll DirectorsJ. Crompton (T. Rainbow)
Fraser Basin Council - Thompson Regional CommitteeElectoral Area A or B or LillooetV. Birch-Jones (S. DeMare)
Howe Sound Community ForumElectoral Areas C & DR. Mack; T. Rainbow
Howe Sound Community Forum - Ocean Watch Action CommitteeElectoral Area C or DT. Rainbow
Lillooet Area Library Association BoardElectoral Area A or B V. Birch-Jones
Lillooet Community Partners Resource Committee1 (Inactive)Electoral Areas A & BS. DeMare; V. Birch-Jones
Lillooet Area Elected Representatives Road CommitteeElectoral Area A and Electoral Area B and Electoral Area CS. DeMare; V. Birch-Jones; R. Mack
Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) - ExecutiveElectoral Area C or D or Squamish or Whistler or PembertonA. Hurford (R. Mack)
Municipal Finance Authority (MFA)Chair (Vice-Chair)J. Ford (R. Mack)
Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia (MIA)All DirectorsR. Mack (M. Richman)
Northern Development Initiative Trust - Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Advisory Committee Electoral Area A and BS. DeMare (K. Playfair); V. Birch-Jones (J. Rasmussen)
Pemberton Area Economic Development CollaborativeElectoral Area C - StaffR. Mack (J. Kennett); Communications Department
Pemberton-Lillooet Treaty Advisory Committee1Electoral Areas B & CV. Birch-Jones; R. Mack
Pemberton & District Public Library Electoral Area C R. Mack (J. Kennett)
Pemberton Valley Dyking DistrictElectoral Area CR. Mack [Board Liaison]
Pemberton Valley Emergency Management CommitteeElectoral Area C (Board-Staff)R. Mack; Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Protective Services (staff alternate is Emergency Management Coordinator)
Sea to Sky Destination Management Council - Sea to Sky Corridor Destination Development Strategy Staff Member (Appointed by CAO)Communications and Engagement Manager
Sea to Sky Highway Safety Committee1Electoral Areas C & DR. Mack; T. Rainbow
Sea to Sky Regional Transit CommitteeArea C and Area DR. Mack; T. Rainbow
Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA)Electoral Area A & B & Lillooet(SILGA Board Appointments as per SILGA AGM)
Thompson Regional Hospital DistrictElectoral Areas A & B & LillooetS. DeMare (K. Playfair); V. Birch-Jones (J. Rasmussen)
1 Not active.