Matters of Regional Impact

The following are committees that the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board form to provide advice on matters of regional impact.

Meetings are open to the public. Pursuant to SLRD Procedure Bylaw (Consolidated), as amended, at least 72 hours prior to a meeting, public notice of the time, place and date of the meeting will be posted on the SLRD Notice Board. At least 24 hours prior to a meeting, further public notice of the meeting will be provided by:

  • Posting a copy of the Agenda summary on the Notice Board;
  • Leaving copies of the Agenda at the reception counter at the Regional District Office; and,
  • Publishing a copy of the Agenda and the materials to which it refers on the SLRD website. 

Committee of the Whole (COW)

The Committee of the Whole (COW) is comprised of all board directors. The purpose of the COW to debate and discuss all regional matters not considered by other committees, and to serve as an advisory body to the SLRD Board. 

Electoral Area Directors (EAD)

The Electoral Area Directors (EAD) is a Standing Committee of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board, comprised of all SLRD Electoral Area Directors. The EAD exists to debate and discuss rural matters such as planning, building inspection and grants-in-aid that principally affect the unincorporated communities in the electoral areas. The EAD Committee has delegated authority to make decisions on some of these matters. 


EAD Committee meetings are generally held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (excluding statutory holidays) at 10:30 a.m. in the SLRD Boardroom at 1350 Aster Street, Pemberton, unless otherwise indicated. All members of the public are welcome to attend.

Northern St’át’imc Intergovernmental Relations Working Group

current representation includes:

  • District of Lillooet
  • P’egp’ig’lha Council – T’it’q’et community
  • SLRD

Nuk̓w7ántwal̓ Intergovernmental Relations Committee

current representation includes:

  • Líl’wat Nation
  • N’Quatqua
  • Samahquam
  • SLRD
  • Village of Pemberton


Northern Economic Development and Initiatives Committee (currently inactive)

The Northern Economic Development and Initiatives (“NEDI”) Committee is a Standing Committee of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) Board, appointed by the SLRD Board Chair to consider and report to the Board from time to time or whenever desired by the Board and as often as the interests of the Regional District may require, on all matters referred to it or coming within its purview, and to make recommendations to the Board regarding such matters. Meetings are open to the public.

More information about the specific work of the NEDI Committee can be found in the Current Projects section of the website.



For meetings schedule, agendas and minutes, visit:

SLRD Meetings Portal