Mount Currie Landslide Hazard

Notice of Hazard - January 18, 2018

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has received the results of the Mount Currie Landslide Risk Assessment (“Assessment”) conducted by BGC Engineering Inc. (“BGC”) in 2017.

BGC was engaged to determine landslide and associated flood risk from the north face of Mount Currie including risk to life, buildings, critical facilities, business activities, power and communication lines. The Assessment was prompted by an increase in observed small rockfall events during the summers of 2015 and 2016, which raised concerns about the potential risk to the communities below the north face of Mount Currie.

The Assessment has confirmed areas of instability that could result in small rockfall events and rare but large-scale rock slope failures.

The Assessment is available to download in the SLRD’s online Report Directory (filter for Emergency Management reports).

Download the Mount Currie Landslide Risk Assessment 

For additional background, please visit the Mt Currie Landslide Hazard Assessment and Risk Analysis project page

This notice is published in accordance with Section 25 of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.