Pets & Livestock

Having a plan in place is an important part of being prepared for an emergency.


The best thing you can do is make sure your pets have valid identification like an ID tag, and vaccinations are up-to-date. Put pets in a portable carrier and make sure you have supplies for your pet in your 72-Hour Emergency Kit like dry food and water for at least three days.

The Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team has helpful resources to help you with creating an emergency plan for your pets.


For livestock, keep a current list of all animals on the farm, their locations, and medical histories. Also, set up Premises Identification (ID) with the province to establish a traceable link with poultry and livestock, including bees. Commercial livestock producers should familiarize themselves with the SLRD's Commercial Livestock Relocation Guide as part of their preparedness planning. 

Additional resources can be found on our Response & Animal Welfare page.