Upper Bridge River Valley Official Community Plan Bylaw

Bylaw Number
Bylaw Type(s)
Official Community Plans

The purpose of an Official Community Plan (OCP) is to provide direction for land use and development within a given area. The Upper Bridge River Valley OCP contains objectives, policies, and land use designations adopted by the Squamish Lillooet Regional District Board of Directors. Based on the community’s economic, social, and environmental values, the objectives and policies of the plan are meant to balance the demands placed on the land base in order to ensure an equitable, comprehensive, and logical distribution of land uses. Policies are often implemented on a long-term basis, generally over a 10-15 year period.


Applicable Communities
Electoral Area A
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Upper Bridge River Valley Overview Map
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Tyaughton Lake & Gun Creek Road Map
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Map 7A
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Map 7B
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Map 8 Terrain Stability Excerpts
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Consolidated OCP Map