Through Order-in-Council No. 602-2016, the Provincial government via the Ministry of Agriculture made changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Use, Subdivision, and Procedure Regulation regarding agritourism and non-farm use commercial events.
The new regulations governing a non-farm “gathering for an event” apply to commercial weddings, music festivals and other events, hosted in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).
A gathering for an event means
(a) a wedding, unless paragraph (c)(ii) applies,
(b) a music festival, or
(c) an event, other than
(i) an event held for the purpose of agritourism, or
(ii) the celebration, by residents of the farm and those persons whom they invite, of a family event for which no fee or other charge is payable in connection with the event by invitees
The new regulation clarifies that a gathering for an event is permitted on a property in the ALR if all of the following conditions are met:
(i) The farm must be located on land classified as a farm under the Assessment Act
(ii) Permanent facilities must not be constructed or erected in connection with the event
(iii) Parking for those attending the event must be available on the farm, but must not be permanent nor interfere with the farm’s agricultural productivity
(iv) No more than 150 people, excluding residents and employees of the farm, may be gathered on the farm at one time for the purpose of attending the event
(v) The event must be of no more than 24 hours in duration
(vi) No more than 10 gatherings for an event of any type may occur on the farm within a single calendar
Farms hosting a ‘gathering for an event’ must comply with these additional requirements:
- All SLRD Noise Bylaws. All ‘gathering for an event’ uses must comply with the applicable SLRD noise bylaw. To protect farming, farmers, and agricultural viability no exemptions to a noise bylaw will be considered.
- No surfacing (gravel, fill, etc.) may be brought onto a farm for the purposes of parking.
- No buildings or structures (whether existing or new) may be used for events.
The SLRD will be drafting amendment bylaws to incorporate the new ALR regulations into each zoning bylaw. Staff are currently developing policies to address the new non-farm uses permitted in the ALR. Any questions on the new ALR regulations can be directed to the SLRD Planning Department at
Staff Reports
The following staff reports provide an update on the necessary zoning amendments and policy development required to address the new ALR regulations on these issues.
Electoral Area A
SLRD EAD Committee
Electoral Area B
SLRD EAD Committee
Electoral Area D
SLRD Board - July 26, 2017
SLRD EAD Committee - July 12, 2017