The Pemberton and District Recreation Service is constructing a Children’s Nature Play Park in four phases at the Pemberton and District Community Centre on Cottonwood Street. The Nature Play Park has been designed to expand the outdoor play opportunities available at the Community Centre. By carefully integrating elements into the park to support creative play and encourage confident exploration, the Nature Play Park helps children develop a lasting affinity for the natural world.
View the Concept Plan
Phase 1 (Complete):
The first phase, installed in August 2015, included a grass maze and was made possible through the generous support of the Rotary Club of Pemberton, Rotary District 5040, Innergex, Tree Canada and BC Hydro.
Phase 2 (Complete):
The second phase, installed during the first week of May 2016, included a 900 square foot interlocking brick patio with shade trees and picnic benches. This second phase has been supported by funding from the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, the Village of Pemberton, the Rotary Club of Pemberton, Rotary District 5040 and the Whistler Real Estate Association. Click here to see photos from part 1 of Phase 2 (viewing patio), completed in 2016.
The second component of Phase 2 was completed in the last week of June 2017 (just in time for Canada Day!) and includes a water feature with a decorative concrete stream, adventure park style balancing elements, large sand box, and some natural rock seating. The protective surfacing will be engineered wood fiber with a fall rating of 12 ft. The intention is to provide an open-ended play zone within easy viewing of the new patio.
The SLRD gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada to complete Phase 2 of the Children's Nature Play Park.
Phase 2 Design drawing:
Phase 3 (Complete):
Phase 3 of the Children's Nature Play Park will expand upon what was constructed in 2017 with additional climbing and play structures which follow the theme of incorporating natural elements to help children develop a lasting affinity for the natural world. Phase 3 elements will include:
- Parkour-style climbing structure
- Supernova — A large slanting ring which children can set in motion: Turning, spinning, balancing or just enjoying the ride are among the countless play options on the supernova.
- Multi-goal where the existing basketball net is located
The total estimated budget for Phase 3 is $100,000. The SLRD gratefully acknowledges the support of the Whistler Blackcomb Foundation, which announced a $51,000 funding award in December 2017. The balance of funds has been allocated from the SLRD Recreation Services operating budget.
Construction started on August 7 and is expected to be completed in September. Please note that heavy equipment will be onsite for the duration of the build and construction fencing will be in place.
Phase 3 - Design Drawing:
Phase 4 - To come!
Phase 4 will see the completion of the Children's Nature Play Park, with the addition of an outdoor classroom and perimeter trail.
Thank you to all of our project partners for your generous support!
Project Photos:
Phase 1 - photos
The photos below show progress on the Grass Maze over the first four days of work.
Phase 2 - Photos
The gallery below show the May 2-5 2016 phase, of the patio installation.
Phase 2, Part 2 - Photos
Construction on part two of the second phase of the Nature Play Park began in
May 2017. The photos below show the progress.
Phase 3 Photos:
Construction on phase 3 began August 7, 2018. The photos below show the progress.
September 5, 2018
September 6, 2018
September 17, 2018
Background Documents:
- Phase 1: Grass Maze design
- Phase 2: Patio at Grass Maze
- Phase 3: Design Drawing
- Children's Nature Play Park Concept Plan