OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1524-2017 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1525-2017, Electoral Area D

Electoral Area D

As a result of the changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Use, Subdivision, and Procedure Regulation in July 2016, the SLRD needs to update all of its zoning bylaws to incorporate those regulations into the zones that apply to ALR lands. The Board passed the following resolution at its August 24, 2016 meeting:

THAT the Board direct staff to draft zoning amendment bylaws for Electoral Areas A, B, C, and D to address the new Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision, and Procedure Regulation changes regarding agritourism and events.

For Electoral Area D, there are a number of other agriculture related changes proposed for the AGR1 zone, and broader housekeeping issues for the whole zoning bylaw. 

The OCP is also being amended with an updated Riparian Protection Development Permit Area, and other changes to the Comprehensive Development Permit Area around tree cutting, and housekeeping issues.

Both bylaws received first reading at the July 26, 2017 Board meeting.  The bylaws were presented at a public information session at the Britannia Beach Community Centre on September 18, 2017 at 6pm.

The bylaws received second reading at the October 25, 2017 SLRD Board meeting.  The Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1525-2017 received second reading as amended at the January 24, 2017 SLRD Board meeting. 

Public Hearing

The public hearing was held on February 19, 2017 at 7 pm in the Sea to Sky Hotel in Squamish.  The minutes of that hearing will be presented at the February 28, 2018 SLRD Board meeting.

SLRD Public Information Meeting

A public information meeting was held on Sept 18th, 2017 at the Britannia Beach Community Hall.  Staff gave a powerpoint presentation describing the proposed Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments.

Staff Reports

For further details about these bylaws, please download the staff report below which includes a full description of the proposed changes, as well as the draft bylaws.