Update: November 23, 2022
The new Pemberton Transfer Station, located at 1929 Stonecutter Place, opened to the public on November 2, 2022 and offers expanded services, identified as priorities, by the community, in a survey conducted by the SLRD in 2020.
Additional services at the facility include; a scale, Reuse Shed, yard waste, mattress and drywall disposal.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions has been developed from inquiries received since the opening of the new Pemberton Transfer Station.
Do you have a question that is not answered in the document?
Contact utilities@slrd.bc.ca
Update: November 2, 2022
Site work is complete.
The facility is open, for more information on services visit: slrd.bc.ca/lovethisplace/PWTS
On Tuesday, November 1, Lil'wat Nation representatives celebrated the new site, with SLRD staff and Board Chair Jen Ford, Area C Director Russell Mack and Area C Alternate Director, Jan Kennett in attendance.
Update: October 05, 2022
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) and Lil’wat Construction Enterprises (LCE) have entered into an agreement that will see LCE take over the operations and servicing of the Pemberton Transfer Station, for a three-year term, plus renewal rights, effective November 1, 2022.
News Release
Update: August 29, 2022
Construction is nearing completion.
The scale, scale house, fencing installation and paving are complete.
Upcoming work will include:
- Electrical;
- Drainage;
- Final placement of containers; and
- Testing and commissioning the scale.
This completes the site work required before opening in November.
New Pemberton Transfer Station Tipping Fees – Effective November 1, 2022
Tipping fee schedule
Update: August 15, 2022
A Request for Decision report regarding the Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Conversion & Establishment Amendment Bylaw was included in the July 27, 2022 SLRD Board Meeting.
The Board approved the recommendations as presented, to amend the maximum requisition limit to the greater of $750,000 or $0.3436 per $1,000.00, as outlined in the report.
The next steps include obtaining written consent from the Village of Pemberton and Electoral Area C of the SLRD, before forwarding the Amendment Bylaw No. 1780-2022 to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval. Once Inspector approval is obtained, the Amendment Bylaw No. 1780-2022 will be brought back to the Board to consider adoption.
The Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Conversion & Establishment By-law No. 568-
1994 (the “Bylaw”) established the Pemberton Refuse Service that is operated at the Pemberton Transfer Station. There have been two prior amendments to the Bylaw regarding taxation with the most recent being in 2006.
Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Conversion & Establishment By-law No. 568, 1994, Amendment Bylaw No. 957-2004 increased the maximum requisition to $75,000.00 or $0.12/$1,000.00 of net taxable values, whichever is greater. Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Conversion & Establishment Bylaw No. 568, 1994, Amendment Bylaw No. 1003-2006 increased the maximum requisition to $160,000.00 or $0.2544/$1,000.00 of net taxable values, whichever is greater.
During 2022 budget deliberations, discussion occurred that the Pemberton Transfer Station would need consideration of a bylaw amendment to increase the maximum requisition limit. The updated preliminary budget costs for 2023 and subsequent years based on the 2022 revised roll, exceeds the maximum requisition of $0.2544/$1,000 under the Bylaw. This is in part related to escalating costs associated with all of the contracted services, the increase in debt service costs, and the planned increase in services at the new site. The current revenue from tipping fees (2022) is lower than budgeted and lower than previous years (currently being investigated by staff) and at the same time, contracted services costs have increased.
With scheduled completion of the new transfer station occurring this fall, the debt repayment for construction will be increasing in 2023 and interest rates for new debt are higher as a result of current market conditions.
The proposed amendment to the Bylaw, Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Conversion & Establishment By-law No. 568, 1994, Amendment Bylaw No. 1780- 2022 (the “Amendment”) is expected to come into effect for 2023 tax year.
The estimated residential tax for this service for a $1 million home (using the most recent assessment values, being the 2022 revised roll values), if the proposed Amendment is adopted, is $257.15, up from a maximum of $190.39.
Project Update: June 28, 2022
Construction is ongoing at the new transfer station site.
Utilities have been installed along with the retaining walls and concrete pads for the compactors and containers. The scale and scale house will be installed in the coming weeks, prior to the fine grading of the site.
The facility is on schedule to open in Fall 2022.
Project Update: February 10, 2022
Construction is scheduled to commence Spring 2022. The site adjacent to the new transfer station will be used for material storage as of March 2022. Early activities include removal of the pre-load material and site preparation for utility installation.
The new facility is expected to be in use by Fall 2022.
Notice of Construction
Project Update: April 19, 2021
Pemberton Transfer Station Relocation Update: Site Preparation Begins
The Pemberton Transfer Station will relocate from its current location at 1947 Carpenter Road in the Pemberton Business and Industrial Park to its new location, a site owned by the SLRD, at 1929 Stonecutter Place.
Following an extensive RFP process, the contract for the design build for this project has been awarded to local company, Lizzie Bay Logging, Ltd. in partnership with engineering consultants Morrison Hershfield.
Work on the project will begin April 19, 2021 with the contractor onsite to begin the initial site clearing and preparation work.
The project is expected to take place over several months, with the new facility opening in early 2022.
In the meantime, the existing site will continue to operate and there will be no disruption of services at the existing facility.
Project updates, including an updated timeline, will be posted on this project page, as information becomes available.
News Release: Site Preparation Begins on New Pemberton Transfer Station
The Pemberton and District Transfer Station is operated by the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, currently located on leased property at 1947 Carpenter Road in the Pemberton Business and Industrial Park.
Responding to limitations of the current site, and in response to concerns from residents and business owners, the SLRD Board has undertaken to move the site to a larger, more appropriate location within the Pemberton Business and Industrial Park.
The relocation will take place by August 31, 2021, being the contract end date for the current Pemberton Transfer Station site. The SLRD will acquire a subdivided portion of the Village of Pemberton’s 1929 Stonecutter Place property (also located in the Pemberton Business and Industrial Park). In exchange, the SLRD will transfer the Village of Pemberton a property it owns and a cash contribution.
Based on a feasibility study conducted in 2019, the estimated total cost to acquire the site and build the facility is $2,200,103. An initial loan authorization bylaw, adopted by the SLRD Board in 2018, authorized borrowing of $1,375,000 for the new facility. The SLRD Board is now considering a second loan authorization bylaw to provide additional funds of $811,353.
The SLRD is proposing to obtain elector approval via an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for the amount of $811,353. An AAP was also the process used to obtain elector approval for the first $1,375,000 loan.
This is summarized in the table below:
Property | (A) Land Transaction Cost | (B) Development Cost 1 (first loan) | (C) Estimated Additional Development Cost (2019 Cost Increase) | Total Cost (A) + (B) + (C) + 1% financing fee | Additional Financing Required - Second Loan (i.e. over the $1,375,000 aready authorized) |
New site - 1929 Stonecutter Place | $350,500 | $1,375,000 | $452,820 | $2,200,103 | $811,353 |
AAP Process:
October 26, 2020: There was one (1) completed elector response form submitted to the SLRD by the deadline date, with 395 response forms being required to defeat the AAP and initiate an assent vote. The final results have now been certified by the Corporate officer in the Corporate Officer’s Certification. The approval of the electors has been obtained in accordance with section 86 of the Community Charter. The Board may now consider the adoption of Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Pemberton and District Transfer Station Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1661-2020. This item will be brought to the Board at the October 28, 2020 Board Meeting.
October 14, 2020: The deadline for receiving elector responses for this Alternative Approval Process has now passed. The results from that process will be shared here once confirmed.
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) has proposed Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Pemberton and District Transfer Station Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1661-2020 to borrow additional funds up to $811,353 over a term of 30 years for the purpose of acquiring property and constructing the Pemberton Transfer Station.
In respect of this bylaw, the SLRD Board is seeking participating area approval of electors by way of Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for the Pemberton Refuse Disposal Local Service Area, which consists of the Village of Pemberton and a portion of Electoral Area C.
The deadline for receiving elector responses for this Alternative Approval Process is 4:30 p.m. on October 13, 2020.
More information, including project background, details about the AAP and links to important forms and documents can be found on the Alternative Approval Process – Pemberton Transfer Station project page:
Project Timeline
Site Preparation work is anticipated to begin in mid-2020, with construction to be completed by August 31, 2021.
Site Design
The new site is large enough to accommodate the current and future needs of the community and key infrastructure is expected to include:
- Complete waste and resource recovery services (all recyclables and household waste);
- Organics and invasive species;
- Weigh scale, scale house, and administration building;
- Containment area for used oil and household hazardous waste;
- Household appliances containing ozone-depleting substances and household appliances without ozone substances; and
- Safe drop-off area to allow materials to be transferred from small vehicles.
Please see the conceptual design (not finalized) below:
Related Reports and Documents
- Draft Site Layout (subject to change)
- June, 2020 Loan Authorization Report
- June 25, 2020 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- October 28, 2020 Staff Report
For more information, please contact
Angela Belsham
Director of Environmental Services
Telephone: 604-894-6371 ext. 240
Email: abelsham@slrd.bc.ca