Ponderosa and McGillivray Zoning Amendments

Electoral Area C

In 2014, the provincial government amended the Local Government Act to terminate all land use contracts as of June 30, 2024. Local governments are required to have zoning bylaws in place by June 30, 2022 that will apply to the land once the land use contracts are terminated. Once land use contracts are terminated, only the zoning will apply. This will result in non-conforming uses, as the underlying zoning for Ponderosa Estates and McGillivray Falls is Rural 1 (RR1) - which does not allow for the level of development currently on the property. Under this non-conforming situation, if a fire were to occur there would be no opportunity to rebuild.

To address the provincial requirements and non-conforming situation of the current underlying zoning, SLRD staff are proposing zoning amendments for Ponderosa Estates and McGillivray Falls. The proposed zoning amendments build on previous work completed by SLRD staff.  

Current Status

The Zoning Amendment Bylaws were adopted by the SLRD Board at the March 24, 2021 and April 21, 2021 SLRD Board meeting. The zoning amendment bylaws reflect what is currently provided for under the Land Use Contracts only.

Staff Reports