Regional Growth Strategy Review 2024

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Proposed Scope

The proposed scope of the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Review 2024 reflects Board direction to update greenhouse gas targets, input received from the Regional Affordable Housing Forum, and SLRD Board Strategic Plan 2024-2026 Priority Areas. The proposed scope also reflects organizational capacities and the desire to undertake the RGS Review as a minor amendment process, recognizing the opportunity to focus efforts on implementation and action.

Goal 11 Take Action on Climate Change
  • Opportunity to update greenhouse gas targets to align with those established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and as per previous Board resolution)
  • Opportunity to review Climate Action strategic directions for possible revisions/amendments in advance of prioritization and incorporation into a Climate Action Implementation strategy
Goal 3 Generate a Range of Quality Affordable Housing
  • Opportunity to add/revise strategic directions based on outcomes of the Regional Affordable Housing Forum
  • Opportunity to review Affordable Housing strategic directions for possible revisions/amendments in advance of prioritization and incorporation into a Regional Affordable Housing Implementation strategy 


The RGS was adopted by the SLRD Board in June, 2010 by acceptance of all member municipalities and participating electoral areas (excluding Electoral Area A, which is not a party to the RGS) as well as all seven adjacent regional districts (affected local governments). The RGS provides a “broad policy framework describing the common direction that the regional district and member municipalities will follow in promoting development and services which are sustainable, recognizing a long term responsibility for the quality of life for future generations”.

Local Government Act

Section 452 of the Local Government Act (LGA) sets requirements for regular reports and review of regional growth strategies. Specifically, under Section 452(2) At least once every 5 years, a regional district that has adopted a regional growth strategy must consider whether the regional growth strategy must be reviewed for possible amendment.

RGS Review 2024

As the last RGS Review was adopted in 2019, consideration of another review is required in 2024. At the February 2024 SLRD Board meeting, staff were directed to undertake a review to address outstanding Board resolutions to update greenhouse gas targets and input received at the Regional Affordable Housing Forum. 

Staff Reports