Britannia Beach Play Park Upgrade To Begin This Month

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Electoral Area D

Construction of expanded play park to be completed this fall

Pemberton, BC - Construction of the new Britannia Beach Play Park will begin on September 28, 2022. The project is anticipated to take three weeks from start to completion.

The Britannia Beach Play Park was initially built in 2008, with funding from the SLRD. After more than a decade of use, and following an inspection in 2020, it was determined that the park was due for an upgrade. The SLRD Board of Directors approved the project in the fall of 2020. The budget for this project is $207,607, funded from the Electoral Area D Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), formerly known as the Community Works Fund or Federal Gas Tax Fund. Following consultation with the community, the project design was developed, and ultimately approved by the community and the SLRD Board. The SLRD is investigating funding opportunities for the future enhancement of landscaping on the site.

“The Britannia Beach community has experienced a great deal of change and growth in recent years, and this new play park will be a welcome addition, and an important community amenity,” said Tony Rainbow, SLRD Electoral Area D Director. “When it’s completed, the play park will be almost double the size of the previous park with more opportunities appealing to a broader age range,” he said. “I am pleased to see this project move forward this fall, with young residents and visitors being able to enjoy the play park before the snow flies, and for many, many years to come.” The Park will reopen after the upgrade is complete.

Britannia Beach is an unincorporated community located in Electoral Area D, in the southern region of the SLRD. According to the 2021 Census, the population of Britannia Beach is 384-- a 2.9 per cent increase from 2016.  

Additional information about the Britannia Beach Play Park is available on the SLRD website:

Residents with questions about this project can contact:

Allison Macdonald
Parks and Trails Coordinator
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Telephone: (604) 894-6371 x 243


About the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District

Located in southwestern BC, the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) is a local government federation consisting of four-member municipalities (the District of Lillooet, the District of Squamish, the Village of Pemberton and the Resort Municipality of Whistler) and four unincorporated, rural electoral areas (A, B, C, and D). Headquartered in Pemberton, which is the approximate geographic centre of the region, the SLRD delivers a wide range of local, regional and sub-regional services to approximately 47,245 residents (2021 Census).

Media contact

Vanessa Murphy
Communications Coordinator
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Phone: 604.894.6371 x260

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