Change is underway at the SLRD Board table, with 3 new municipal directors, an additional seat for Squamish, more votes for Squamish and Whistler
Pemberton, BC – The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) Board of Directors has been sworn in for the 2022-2026 term.
The SLRD is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors, including four electoral area directors and seven municipal directors (one director from District of Lillooet, one director from Village of Pemberton, two directors from Resort Municipality of Whistler, and three directors from District of Squamish):
- Sal DeMare, Electoral Area A
- Vivian Birch-Jones, Electoral Area B (Vice-Chair)
- Russell Mack, Electoral Area C
- Tony Rainbow, Electoral Area D
- Laurie Hopfl, District of Lillooet
- Mike Richman, Village of Pemberton
- Jack Crompton, Resort Municipality of Whistler
- Jen Ford, Resort Municipality of Whistler (Chair)
- Armand Hurford, District of Squamish
- Chris Pettingill, District of Squamish
- Jenna Stoner, District of Squamish
The addition of a third director from the District of Squamish is a result of Squamish’s population from the 2021 Census, as certified by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
As a result of increased population, the District of Squamish gains three votes (from 10 to 13) and the Resort Municipality of Whistler gains one vote (from six to seven).
Using the SLRD’s voting unit of 2,000, Regional District board composition and voting strength are determined by the formula set out in section 196(2) of the Local Government Act (LGA). The number of directors and assignment of votes is determined by section 197 of the LGA.
While municipal directors are appointed to the SLRD Board by their respective municipal councils, electoral area directors are elected in each electoral area during the General Local Election. In 2022, all four incumbent electoral area directors were re-elected by acclamation.
At its inaugural meeting on November 23, 2022, the SLRD Board also elected a Chair and Vice-Chair. Returning to these positions are Jen Ford (Chair) and Vivian Birch-Jones (Vice-Chair).
“I’m humbled and honoured to be returning to the position of Board Chair at the SLRD,” said Ford. “On behalf of the Board, I welcome our new Board members, along with those who are returning to the Board table, and I would also like to thank former directors Karen Elliott and Barb Wiebe, who aren’t returning to this Board, but who each brought valuable insights, commitment and dedication to their previous roles here.”
Ford noted that some of the first tasks of the 2022-26 Board will be to work with senior staff on developing strategic priorities and a corporate workplan.
“The work that we do at this table has far-reaching implications for the entire region; the significance of which is not lost on me, or my colleagues,” she said. “While we have challenging work ahead of us, we also have great opportunity, and I am looking forward to getting to that work with this Board, and SLRD staff, over the next four-year mandate.”
In addition to serving on the Board, Directors serve on standing and select committees as well as on external boards, committees and commissions, representing a wide-range of issues. The full list of these appointments will be on the SLRD website.
SLRD Board meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Meetings are held in-person in the SLRD boardroom at 1350 Aster Street in Pemberton, and are also available to watch via livestream. Meetings are also recorded and available for viewing on the SLRD’s YouTube channel.
Meeting agendas and minutes are available on the SLRD website.
About the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Located in southwestern BC, the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) is a local government federation consisting of four member municipalities (the District of Lillooet, the District of Squamish, the Village of Pemberton and the Resort Municipality of Whistler) and four unincorporated, rural electoral areas (A, B, C, and D). Headquartered in Pemberton, which is the approximate geographic centre of the region, the SLRD delivers a wide range of local, regional and sub-regional services to approximately 50,496 residents (2021 Census as certified by the Minister of Municipal Affairs).
Patricia Westerholm
Communications & Engagement Manager
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Telephone: (604) 894-6371 ext. 244