The SLRD received a zoning amendment application for District Lot 2679, 1793 Reid Road. The property is currently zoned Rural 1 (RR1) in SLRD Electoral Area C Zoning Bylaw 765, 2002. The property location is shown in the staff reports below. The proposed zoning amendment is to facilitate subdivision and would see the property rezoned to Rural Residential (single dwelling) (RR1Res(sd)) thereby reducing the minimum parcel size to one hectare.
The Electoral Area C Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw No. 689, 1999 includes specific policies that enable site specific rezoning applications in the Ivey Lake/Reid Road neighbourhood, subject to conformance with suitability criteria such as geotechnical and water quality and quantity.
Amendment Bylaw 1430-2015 was given third reading and adopted by the SLRD Board on November 25, 2015.
Staff Reports
The following staff reports provide an update on the application: