WedgeWoods Estates Non-Market Housing

Applicable Communities
Electoral Area C
Permit/Application type
Zoning/OCP Amendment Application
District Lot

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District received a zoning amendment application for WedgeWoods Estates to permit additional subdivision of existing Strata Lot 12 into 6 non-market single family lots (with one remainder lot), and subdivision of Strata Lot 108 to create 12 additional market lots. All proposed new lots would be required to have a minimum of one covenanted long-term rental unit in either a secondary suite within the principal building or an auxiliary dwelling unit within a carriage house. An additional component of this application would see the remainder of DL 2247 on the west side of Highway 99 contributed to the SLRD for a community use. This proposed development requires an increase in permitted density from 108 lots to 126 lots and would complete the present and future development potential of WedgeWoods.

Current Status

An initial staff report was brought before the SLRD Board of Directors at their February 24, 2022 meeting.

A second staff report outlining a revised proposal was brought before the SLRD Board of Directors at their June 30, 2022 meeting.

The bylaw was brought back before the SLRD Board of Directors for consideration of first reading at their December 14, 2022 meeting. At that meeting, the Board resolved the following:

THAT Bylaw No. 1765-2022, cited as “Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Electoral Area C Zoning Bylaw No. 765, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 1765-2022” be introduced and read a first time.

THAT staff be directed to prepare a Section 219 covenant/housing agreement in registrable form for SL 12-2 to 12-7 (non-market lots) and SL 108-120 (market lots) to secure long-term rental obligations prior to final adoption of Bylaw No. 1765-2022.

THAT staff be directed to prepare a Section 219 covenant/housing agreement in registrable form for SL 12-2 to 12-7 (non-market lots) that establishes initial pricing of the lots, eligibility criteria for sales of the lots, and controls on resale pricing, prior to adoption of Bylaw No. 1765-2022.

THAT Bylaw No. 1765-2022 be referred to the appropriate First Nations, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, Provincial agencies including Vancouver Coastal Health, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the WedgeWoods Strata Council, for comment

THAT the disbursement of community amenity contributions pursuant to Community Amenity Contributions Policy No. 12-2018 be referred to a future Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion.

Staff Reports

Professional Reports