Public Hearings

Public Hearings may be held electronically (virtual) via video conferencing or the SLRD may elect to host them in-person. If the Public Hearing is held electronically, participants may join the meeting using a smart phone, a tablet, or a computer. Speakers or a headset and a microphone may be required.

Public Hearings are required according to the Local Government Act to allow the public to make representations to the Board regarding official community plan amendment bylaws and zoning amendment bylaws. Public Hearings take place between the second and third readings of a bylaw amendment. The time and date for the Public Hearing are published in advance on the Notice.

Accessing the Virtual Public Hearing

All virtual Public Hearings will be held via Zoom. The link for the virtual public hearings online video option will be posted on the individual public hearing pages three days before the Public Hearing, accessible via the Public Hearing or Meeting Notices webpage. You can link via the Zoom app on a smart phone or tablet, or using a computer. You will not require a camera to participate. However, if you wish to make a submission, you will need a microphone. If calling by telephone, the phone number to access the Public Hearing phone conferencing option is as follows:

  • +1-778-907-2071

The meeting ID and password for the phone conferencing option will also be posted on the individual public hearing pages, accessible via the Public Hearing or Meeting Notices webpage three days before the Public Hearing. You can also obtain this information by calling the Planning Department three days before the Public Hearing at 604-894-6371.

What Happens at a Public Hearing?

All Public Hearings follow the same procedure:

  • The Chair reads an opening statement to the public, indicating what will happen next.
  • Staff may present on the proposed bylaw.
  • The applicant(s) may speak to their proposal.
  • Members of the public are invited to make verbal submissions. Each speaker must commence remarks by clearly stating their name and the community where they reside.
  • The speakers then indicate whether or not they support the bylaw and why.
  • Speakers may also present written submissions. Written submissions are due not later than two hours before the scheduled start of the Public Hearing.
  • The Chair will be informed of any written submissions received prior to the Public Hearing.
  • Prior to closing the public hearing the Chair will call three times for speakers. When there is no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing is declared closed.

By attending the event, you consent to your personal information being collected and disclosed as per sections 26(c), 26(g), 33.1(1)(q), and 33.2(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Your only opportunity to comment on the proposed Bylaw is prior to and during the Public Hearing. The Board is not permitted to receive further submissions once it has closed the Public Hearing. All submissions will form part of the public record.

How to Make a Written Submission

If you wish to make written comments for a public hearing, written submissions are due not later than two hours before the scheduled start of the public hearing.

  • Letters may be faxed to 604-894-6526 or emailed to
  • Correspondence relating to a Bylaw will need to be addressed to “SLRD Board of Directors” and must contain your civic mailing address.
  • All submissions will form part of the public record however phone numbers, emails and addresses will be redacted; names will not be redacted.
  • The Board cannot consider submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing.