SLRD Electoral Area C Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC)

The SLRD is looking for interested residents to serve on the Agricultural Advisory Committees (AAC) in Electoral Area B or Electoral Area C. Anyone with an interest or expertise in agriculture and related matters is welcome to apply to the committee that represents their electoral area. The deadline to apply is 4 p.m., January 30, 2025. 

The purpose of the Committee is to provide comments and recommendations to the SLRD Board on agricultural issues within the Pemberton Valley and other parts of Electoral Area C that are referred to the Committee by the Board.

Current Membership:

  • Carrie Charron
  • Kevin Clark
  • Anna Helmer
  • Trish Sturdy
  • Michelle Beks
  • Elliot Fromowitz
  • Russell Mack, Electoral Area C Director 
  • Conley Keyes, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Liaison (non-voting)
  • Jeff Weightman, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Liaison (non-voting)
  • Alix MacKay, Staff Liaison (non-voting)

AAC Meetings

Meetings are held on an as needed basis, with roughly 4 meetings per year. They are held in Pemberton and are open to the public. At this time, meetings are being held electronically but remain open to public attendance.

Current and Upcoming AAC Meeting Agendas & Minutes - click here
Archived AAC Meeting Agendas & Minutes - click here

AAC Memberships

At the beginning of each year applications are accepted from persons interested in serving on the SLRD Electoral Area C Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC). Applicants should meet the following minimum qualifications:

  1. be a land owner and/or permanent resident of Electoral Area C or Pemberton;
  2. have an interest in preserving the viability of farming in the Pemberton Valley & surrounding area;
  3. be from the farming and ranching community;
  4. possess a clear understanding and knowledge of topics affecting agricultural land;
  5. be available to commit to roughly 4 - 6 day-time meetings per year, for a one or two year term.

Please note that you do not need to be a farmer - anyone who has an interest or expertise in agriculture and related matters is welcome to apply.

The 2025 call for volunteers is open until January 30th, 2024 at 4pm. Please complete the application form if you are interested: