Following the development of the SLRD Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), the identification of sustainability as a priority in the key goals for the region signalled a need for an overarching sustainability framework and mechanisms for implementation. This led to the creation of the SLRD Integrated Sustainability Plan (ISP), which guides the integration of sustainability into all planning, policies, decisions and activities.
The plan was prepared by the Whistler Centre for Sustainability in cooperation with a Steering Committee made up of SLRD staff and Board members. The ISP is built on the foundation of existing policy documents such as the RGS and area Official Community Plans (OCPs), which had undergone rigorous public review and consultation. The ISP Steering Committee also gathered feedback from the public and other stakeholders to inform the development of the plan.
Annual Monitoring and Reporting
To create a more efficient monitoring system for the SLRD, indicators that measure progress toward the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) and also satisfy the monitoring requirements for the Integrated Sustainability Plan (ISP) were selected for the annual monitoring and reporting process. Thus, the Annual Monitoring Reports tracks progress made with respect to the regional goals established within the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) and Integrated Sustainability Plan (ISP).