Emergency Management

Alerts & Orders for Electoral Area A

There are no Alerts or Orders for Electoral Area A at this time.

Alerts & Orders for Electoral Area B

There are no Alerts or Orders for Electoral Area B at this time.

Alerts & Orders for Electoral Area C

There are no Alerts or Orders for Electoral Area C at this time.

Alerts & Orders for Electoral Area D

There are no Alerts or Orders for Electoral Area D at this time.

There are no Alerts or Orders in the SLRD at this time

Take this opportunity to get prepared!


Public safety and the well-being of citizens is a crucial function of local government. Local hazards and local hazard warnings are taken seriously, which is why the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has an Emergency Management Program for its four Electoral Areas. The Program is responsible for the direction and control of the coordinated response to and recovery from major emergency events or disasters. 

Current Emergency Related News, Notices & Alerts

Evacuation Alerts & Orders

There are no active Evacuation Alerts or Orders for the selected area.