Gates Lake Community Park is a 1.27 hectare (approximately 3 acre) site located on the north shore of Gates Lake, near the small community of Birken in Electoral Area C. Accessed from Portage Road, the site was purchased by the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District in 2013 with the view of developing a community park to enhance recreation and leisure opportunities for residents living in the Mount Currie to D’Arcy corridor.
Please see the Gates Lake Community Park Project page for details on the park's development.
Please note:
While the site features over 600 feet of waterfront on Gates Lake, the CN Rail Line runs between the property and the park and is private property. The SLRD is currently working to negotiate a public crossing of the rail line with CN Rail. However, public access to Gates Lake is currently not available from Gates Lake Park.
Update: May 2015
On Thursday, May 21, the dock at Gates Lake Community Park will be removed due to safety concerns. The dock, located on Crown Land, will not be replaced as the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has not received approval from CN Rail for access to the waterfront.