Managing Wildlife Attractants

Help Keep Wildlife Wild

The best way to keep bears and other wildlife safe is to not attract them to areas that are frequented by people. It is far easier to keep wildlife away in the first place than it is to teach a food-conditioned animal to stay away from unnatural food that it has learned to enjoy.

Securing attractants is the single best way to keep people safe, prevent property damage, and avoid the unnecessary killing of bears and other wildlife that come into conflict with people. Below is a quick list from WildSafeBC to help you remember how to properly manage wildlife attractants.


Report Wildlife Encounters

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District recommends always reporting wildlife encounters as well as unsecured wildlife attractants. Agencies rely on the public to share relevant information to help keep the public safe and wildlife wild. Wildlife encounters are best reported to the provincial Conservation Officers through the 24-hour R.A.P.P hotline at 1-877-952-7277 or online at

Report All Poachers and Polluters (R.A.P.P.):
Call: 1-877-952-RAPP (7277)


Wildlife Attractant Bylaws

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District and all of our member municipalities have bylaws to regulate proper management of wildlife attractants and to offer enforcement tools to help reduce wildlife incidents while maintaining public safety. Learn more about those bylaws below.

Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Wildlife Attractant Bylaw No. 1551-2018

The SLRD bylaw applies to Electoral Areas A, B, C and D. In general, the following is required in regards to managing attractants:

  • A person must not store any Solid Waste that is an Attractant in such a manner that it is accessible to Wildlife.
  • A person must not leave, place or store outdoors any Solid Waste that is an attractant unless stored in both a Wildlife Resistant Container and in a Wildlife Resistant Enclosure. An exception to the above from 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on the day designated by the Regional District for Solid waste collection.
  • Every owner and occupier of real property must ensure that a Wildlife Resistant Container or a Wildlife Resistant Enclosure located on the property is of a size that is suitable for the amount of refuse generated and is kept clean, secure and in good working condition.
  • Every owner must ensure fallen fruit is removed from the ground within 3 days.
  • Bird feeders are inaccessible to wildlife.
  • Composting is maintained in a manner not attract wildlife.
  • Barbeque equipment and tools are free of residual food and grease.
  • Any device or apparatus that contains attractants and is stored outside must be inaccessible to wildlife.
  • Bees, beehives and hens are kept in a manner inaccessible to wildlife and enclosed with electric fencing.


SLRD Bylaw Enforcement and Wildlife Attractant Violation Fines


SLRD WildSafeBC Coordinator

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) is working with WildSafeBC to promote wildlife awareness in communities throughout the region.

To find out where the most recent wildlife sightings have been in the SLRD, visit the Wildlife Alert Reporting Program. For more information, contact the SLRD WildSafeBC Coordinator at 604-384-7065x250, follow us on Facebook or visit WildSafeBC

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