On November 7, 2024, local community members caused unacceptable disruptions at the Seton Firehall, impacting the ability of BC Ambulance Service to operate from this SLRD-owned facility.
As a result of these disruptions, BC Ambulance Service has advised the SLRD that it has relocated its operations from the Seton Firehall to the District of Lillooet until further notice. Anyone in the community requiring ambulance, fire or police service should continue to call 911. This temporary relocation to Lillooet has the unfortunate impact of causing additional BC Ambulance Service response time to local communities, and the SLRD greatly regrets this.
The SLRD wishes to advise local communities of this temporary operational change to the essential medical services provided by BC Ambulance Service. The SLRD is considering next steps related to the unacceptable disruptions at the Seton Firehall in order to facilitate BC Ambulance Service’s ability to resume its operations from the Seton Firehall as quickly as possible.
The SLRD acknowledges BC Ambulance Service is a valued community partner and thanks local communities and BC Ambulance Service for their patience while next steps are being considered.
To contact BC Ambulance Service regarding this matter, email: BCAS.Q&A@bcehs.ca or call 604-872-5151.