2024 SLRD Housing Need and Demand Study

Electoral Area A
Electoral Area B
Electoral Area C
Electoral Area D

Project Overview

The SLRD has engaged Urban Matters to prepare an update to the existing Housing Need and Demand Study. The new report will incorporate the most recent Census data from 2021, and meet the new standardized reporting requirements set out by the Province. 

The 2024 SLRD report will be comprehensive and include both the interim reporting requirements and the regular reporting requirements as follows:

Interim Requirements

  • The number of housing units needed currently and over the next 5 and 20 years, calculated using the Housing Needs Reports (HNR) Method provided in the Regulation
  • A statement about the need for housing in close proximity to transportation infrastructure that supports walking, bicycling, public transit and other alternative forms of transportation.
  • A description of the actions taken by the local government since receiving the most recent housing needs report (February 2020) to reduce housing needs. 

Regular Requirements

  • 5-year and 20-year housing need calculations (total number of units needed) using a standard methodology
  • Statements about the following key areas of local need:
    • Affordable housing
    • Rental housing
    • Special needs housing
    • Housing for seniors
    • Housing for families
    • Shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness and housing for individuals at risk of homelessness
  • The number and percentage of households in core housing need and extreme core housing need
  • A description of housing actions and changes since the last Housing Needs Report

For Regional Districts, there are five components used to determine need under the prescribed HNR Method:

  1. Supply of units to reduce extreme core housing need (those paying more than 50% of income for housing)
  2. Supply of units to reduce homelessness
  3. Supply of units to address suppressed household formation
  4. Supply of units needed to meet household growth over the next 5 or 20 years
  5. Supply of units needed to meet at least 3% vacancy rate

These reports are a critical tool in informing land use planning across the SLRD, both in the short-term and the long-term. Results of the updated report will be used to inform future amendments to zoning and Official Community Plan (OCP) bylaws across the Regional District. 

Anticipated Project Timeline


Public Engagement Opportunities

Let's talk about regional housing needs - we want to hear from you.

There will be an SLRD-wide Virtual Open House on October 1st, 2024 from 6:30-8:30pm and and Online Community Survey for this project, open September 19-October 11, 2024. For more details on how to get involved, visit the SLRD's online engagement platform at https://getinvolved.slrd.bc.ca/2024-housing-need-and-demand-study-update.