Celebrate Pitch-In Week Canada & Help Keep Your Community Litter-Free.
Pitch-In Week provides an opportunity for communities across Canada to work together to collect litter and recyclables from around their community. Challenge your business, school, neighbourhood, family and friends to PITCH-IN and clean up our commercial areas, wildlife areas, parks and ravines, schools and neighborhoods, highway/roadside, sports fields, waterways, nature & recreational trails.
2018 will once again see the SLRD staff challenging other employees from our member muncipalities to a 20-Minute Makeover Clean up Blitz Challenge. In 2017, over 80 people managed to collect 1250 lbs of litter clogging our ditches, water ways and parks.
Follow the 2018 events on our Instagram feed zeroinonwaste_slrd and Facebook page ZERO in on WASTE SLRD to see who this year's winner will be.
Motivated to help?
Get involved!
Create your own event or participate in an event already planned for your community. Many events are already planned throughout the SLRD.
Click here to learn more.
Contact the SLRD to get vouchers to waive tipping fees from Pitch-In week events by emailing Brooke Carere, Solid Waste Management Plan Communications Coordinator at bcarere@slrd.bc.ca or by calling 604 894-6371 ext 226.
- Safety First - Keep safety centre stage when planning your event. Click on the image below to learn more.
Earth Day Events, Sunday April 22
Celebrate Earth Day at one of the below events in the SLRD
Squamish Repair Cafe - Join the Squamish Climate Action Network and the District of Squamish for another Repair Cafe Event from 10 am - 2 pm at Brennan Park. Find details here.
Whistler EnviroACTION Expo - Celebrate Earth Day with the Association of Whistler Area Residents for the Environment (AWARE) for talks, acititivities and seed swap at the Whistler Public Library from 11 AM - 4 PM. Learn more here.
For information and to add your event, contact Brooke Carere at bcarere@slrd.bc.ca