Request to Appear as Delegation

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Indicate the organization or group that you represent.
Please describe the primary purpose of your organization or group.
Organization / Group Mailing Address
Provide the mailing address of your organization or group.
Indicate the Board or Committee your organization or group would like to address.
Please indicate the full name and job title (if applicable) of each person who wishes to attend/speak on behalf of your organization or group.
Indicate if your speaker(s) prefer to attend the meeting in-person or virtually (remotely).
With a brief description, indicate the specific action of the Board/Committee that you are requesting. Examples of specific actions may include; request for funding, request for letter of support; presentation for information only.
Describe your request in greater detail.

Describe what supporting materials, if any, you wish to provide (i.e. PowerPoint presentation, related correspondence, grant applications, brochures, etc.).  If there will be NO supporting materials, please indicate such in this field.

*Per the SLRD delegation guidelines, all presentations and materials must be received no later than six (6) business days (preferably two weeks) prior to the requested meeting date for review and publication in the public meeting agenda package.

By checking this box you acknowledge that you have read and understood the SLRD Directions for Delegations Guide.