This notice is to inform the public of the Aerial Forest Fertilization project that will occur in this area starting October 31 through November 2024. Signage will be posted on roads to inform the public of any safety hazards or delays.
The fertilization plans for this project have been shared with and approved by local First Nations, forest licensees, and the Ministry of Forests.
Aerial fertilization is funded by the Forest Investment Program (FIP), formerly, the Forest Carbon Initiative funding mechanism, (FCI) Forest Carbon Initiative - Province of British Columbia ( and the Land Based Investment Strategy. The project is administered by B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd. under contract with the Province of British Columbia.
Listed below are the objectives and benefits of fertilization:
- The primary objective is to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) as a means of mitigating climate change. The application of fertilizer will increase the amount of available nutrients, which will improve tree growth and storage of atmospheric carbon, allowing trees to store up to 55 tonnes of carbon per hectare over a 10-year period. A secondary objective is to improve timber volumes and value for future harvesting.
- The Chief Forester’s guidance recommends that stands remain unharvested for a minimum of 7-10 years following fertilization. However, to support operational flexibility, some degree of harvest within 5-7 years can be considered with appropriate rationale. Fertilization plans are shared with forest licensees prior to treatment to ensure that they do not conflict with harvest plans. The increase in volume can be up to 30 cubic meters per hectare in a 10-year period.
- In addition to increased timber supply and carbon storage, fertilization also has economic benefits. The employment and GDP impacts of fertilization are 4.5 full-time equivalents (FTE) and $2.7M per 10,000 hectares of treatment, respectively.
Overview maps, information about the fertilizer, the BC fertilization standards, an informational brochure, and a sample site map and prescription can be found in this Dropbox folder. Specific block information can be provided upon request.
For more information, please contact Jason Hutchinson, RPF, Technical Advisor Forest Carbon at:, Jeff McWilliams, RPF, B.A. Blackwell and Associates Ltd. at: or Sara Barker, RPF, Ministry of Forests at: