BC Ambulance Service operations update
We are pleased to advise the community that effective November 15, 2024 BC Ambulance Service has resumed at the Seton Firehall.
Ambulance service in Seton, in Electoral Area B of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD), is provided by BC Emergency Health Services, with BC Ambulance attendees stationed in Seton, at the Seton Firehall. BC Emergency Health Services and the SLRD have a lease agreement in place, that allows BC Ambulance to operate out of the firehall.
On November 7, 2024, a disruption at the firehall affected the ability of BC Ambulance Service to operate from the facility. BC Ambulance Service, at the time, advised the SLRD that it had relocated its operations from the Seton Firehall to the District of Lillooet. The temporary relocation had the unfortunate impact of causing additional BC Ambulance Service response time to local communities. Understandably, this disruption caused anxiety and alarm in the community.
The SLRD greatly regrets the impact that this service interruption had on the community. We heard directly from many community members who are concerned about the ability to deliver BC Ambulance Service in Seton, and the need to ensure the delivery of this service.
Both the SLRD and BC Emergency Health Services have been committed to finding a solution and we are pleased to have servce resume as of November 15. 2024.
Once again, we wish to express our sincere regret for the disruption to the community, and our gratitude for your patience and support as we worked together toward a solution.