Notification of filming - "Stolen Child BC Productions" Nov 21

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Applicable communities
Electoral Area D

A production company will be filming exterior scenes at the Squamish Valley Campground with crew and support vehicles on site. 

The filming will take place on November 21, 2024. The following is an outline of filming dates, times, locations and significant actions:

  • 6:00 AM Support vehicles arrive
  • 7:00 AM Main crew arrives
  • 7:30 AM Primary filming activity begins
  • 5:00 PM Primary filming activity completes
  • 6:00 PM Main crew depart the area; support vehicles depart

To minimize disruption to the neighborhood, crew vehicles and larger support vehicles will be
parked on the property. No special effects, gunfire, or extraordinary loud noises are scheduled to be filmed at this location.

On-site contact: Wayne Toews -  (778) 388-8463
For more information regarding filming in the Lower Mainland, please contact the Manager of
Community Affairs at Creative BC at (604) 730-2732.

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