Notice of Public Hearing - Electoral Area A Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1822-2023

News date
Applicable communities
Electoral Area A

Pursuant to Section 466 of the Local Government Act this is to provide public notice that an electronic Public Hearing will be held regarding the following proposed bylaw:

  1. Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Electoral Area A Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1822-2023

Purpose of Bylaw No. 1822-2023
The bylaw will replace the existing Upper Bridge River Valley Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 608, 1996. The new Official Community Plan represents a comprehensive update and reflects current community priorities and direction. Key changes include, but are not limited, to: 

-Inclusion of new information on reconciliation, recognition of the role of First Nations and Indigenous communities in the region, and opportunities to support First Nations objectives;
-New information on arts, culture, and heritage protection work that applies to Electoral Area A;
-Inclusion of current information on population and housing needs based on current BC Assessment data and the 2021 census;
-New information on emergency management and climate mitigation objectives and policies, including recognition of the lasting impacts of the 2023 Downton Lake Wildfire;
-New information on local education opportunities;
-Objectives and policies highlighting the need to balance recreation, tourism, and wilderness protection, as highlighted by the local community;
-A new Agriculture designation for lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), updated objectives and policies around agriculture and food security, and a new Farmland Protection Development Permit Area (DPA) that applies to lands within 300m of the ALR; and
-Inclusion of a new Form and Character Development Permit Area for Commercial and Multifamily Residential. 

The area covered by Bylaw No. 1822-2023 is the entirety of Electoral Area A of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, as shown on the map below. 


Public Participation
A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the Regional District office, 1350 Aster Street, Pemberton, BC, during office hours 8:00am to 4:00pm not including weekends and statutory holidays, or by reviewing an electronic copy on the project page. All persons who believe that their interest in the property is affected by the proposed bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws. 

Submit Written Comments to the Board
Written submissions must be addressed to "SLRD Board of Directors," and include your name and community of residence. Until 4:00pm on November 21, 2024, written submissions will be received at the following:

Hard Copy: Squamish-Lillooet Regional District 
Planning Department
PO Box 219, 1350 Aster Street, Pemberton, BC, V0N 2L0

Written submissions will also be accepted on November 21, 2024 between 4:00pm and the time when the motion to close the Public Hearing is made. During this timeframe, written comments must be submitted by email to:

Participate via Zoom
The Public Hearing will take place electronically on November 21st, 2024 at 7pm. Details for how to join are below. 

Join the Webinar: 
By Phone: +1 778 907 2071 
Webinar ID: 618 7167 0023

You may also email the Planning Department at to request any necessary information. 

Applicable service
Expiry date