Pursuant to Section 467(1) of the Local Government Act notice of the intent of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) to consider the subject bylaw at the January 29, 2025 SLRD Board meeting is provided:
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Electoral Area D Zoning Bylaw No. 1350-2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 1887-2025.
The Local Government Act was amended on December 7, 2023, to require local governments to update their zoning bylaws to allow secondary suites or accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in all single-family zones and where applicable, permit a minimum of 3-6 units of small-scale, multi-unit housing (SSMUH) in zones otherwise restricted to single-family dwellings or duplexes. Zones restricted to single-family dwellings or duplexes as of December 7, 2023, are referred to as Restricted Zones in the legislation.
The SLRD amended the Electoral Area A, B, C, and D zoning bylaws in advance of the June 30, 2024 deadline for compliance. The Province has since determined that the SLRD Master Planned Communities of Britannia Beach, Furry Creek and Porteau Cove are not considered within an urban containment boundary for the purposes of the SSMUH legislation. As such, the three to six dwelling unit requirements do not apply.
The subject bylaw removes the additional densities added to the Furry Creek neighbourhood. Revisions include removing the 3-4 dwelling unit provisions from the FCR3 Zone and CD3 Zone. Secondary suites are now allowed in all residential zones and an additional accessory dwelling unit is allowed in some residential zones (dependent on location, size and servicing). The subject bylaw applies to lands located in the Furry Creek neighbourhood of SLRD Electoral Area D where the SSMUH requirements are applicable.
A copy of the subject bylaws may be inspected at the Regional District office, 1350 Aster Street, Pemberton, BC, during office hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm from January 15 to January 29, 2025 not including weekends and statutory holidays. You can also learn more about the subject bylaws when the January 29, 2025 Board agenda is posted on the SLRD website (https://www.slrd.bc.ca/inside-slrd/meetings-agendas) on Friday, January 24th. Additional information may be found on the SLRD website here: https://www.slrd.bc.ca/inside-slrd/current-projects-initiatives/small-scale-multi-unit-housing-legislation-bill-44-housing
The SLRD Board will be considering first reading of the subject bylaw at the January 29, 2025 SLRD Board meeting. All persons may provide written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaws. Written submissions must be addressed to “SLRD Board of Directors,” and include your name and community of residence.
Until 4:00 pm on January 28, 2024, written submissions will be received at the following:
Email: planning@slrd.bc.ca
Hard Copy: Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
Planning Department
PO Box 219, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0