Evacuation ALERT - Gun Lake - Electoral Area A

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Electoral Area A

The Evacuation Order issued by the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District on August 31st, 2023, for all of Electoral Area A due to the Downton Lake Wildfire K71649, has been fully downgraded and replaced by an Evacuation Alert for the following areas:

  • All other SLRD properties on the west side of Gun Lake, the South side of Lajoie Lake (aka Little Gun Lake) and Gun Creek Road.
  • Any other SLRD properties located within the boundary noted on the attached map.

​All properties listed above are on Evacuation Alert. An Evacuation Order may need to be reissued; however, if that is deemed necessary, the Evacuation Order process will recommence.

Some properties on the east side of Gun Lake, Tyaughton Lake, Gold Bridge and Bralorne remain on Evacuation Alert. Please see the updated Evacuation Alert document issued September 11th, 2023 for more details.

The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has rescinded the Evacuation Alert applying to the following area:​

  • All SLRD Properties in Marshall Lake Area.
  • All SLRD Properties north of Carpenter Lake that are east of Tyaughton Creek. 


• No personal watercraft are permitted on Gun Lake due to ongoing BC Wildfire Service emergency response. 

• The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has prepared a guide to help you navigate information, tasks and resources that you will find essential for re-entry after a wildfire: /emergency-program/recovery


While BC Wildfire Service has recommended an Evacuation Order downgrade based on wildfire risk, there are still numerous hazards in the area.  Please refer to the SLRD Re-Entry After a Wildfire Guide for further information to support your safe re-entry.

  • Respect and stay clear of responders as they work to restore the area.
  • Visit www.DriveBC.ca and confirm that your intended route home is not obstructed by road closures. 
  • Visit www.BCHydro.ca and confirm your hydro status before re-entry or give them a call: 1-800-224-9376. BC Hydro is still diligently working on restoration efforts, please adhere to potential road delays.
  • Please carefully go through the SLRD’s Re-Entry After a Wildfire Guide: /emergency-program/recovery
  • Visit www.MintoComm.ca or contact service@mintocomm.ca or call 250-256-1576 for any communications inquiries for the area. 
  • If you have received emergency accommodations through Emergency Support Services, these provisions may cease when the Evacuation Order is downgraded.  If you need to continue receiving Emergency Support Services, please contact 250-256-8524.
  • For waste management, please visit the SLRD Recycling and Waste Centre’s page for more information and updates: Gold Bridge Transfer Station Information
  • For more information, visit SLRD EOC or call the SLRD Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) toll-free line 1-888-213-0780. 

Regional District Confirms Structure Losses Due to Downton Lake Wildfire: Media Release.

Further information will be posted in notices at www.slrd.bc.ca and through the SLRD Alert Messaging service. Subscribe to SLRD Alert for free at www.slrd.bc.ca/slrdalert to receive emergency notifications via email, text messages, and voicemail.

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