Seton Fire Protection Service

Electoral Area B


Fire protection services in the Seton fire protection service area (see map below) are authorized by the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Seton Portage/ Shalalth Fire Protection Financial Contribution Service Establishing Bylaw No. 480, 1992. (See bylaw and associated amendments in documents box to the right or in the documents section below).

Map of Seton fire protection service area - Electoral Area B of the SLRD


Since September, 2019, fire protection services for the Seton fire protection service area have been provided through a series of successive short-term agreements between the SLRD and Tsal’alh. 

The SLRD and Tsal’alh continue to work toward finalizing a long-term fire protection services agreement for the community.

In conjunction with the pending long-term fire protection services agreement, the SLRD plans to enter into a lease with Tsal’alh at the SLRD-owned firehall located at 7373 Seton Portage Road (“Seton Firehall”). 

This valued facility is also used by the BC Ambulance Service via a lease between the SLRD and BC Emergency Health Services.

Once the Seton Firehall lease is finalized, Tsal’alh would operate fire protection services from the Seton Firehall (in addition to continuing to operate from the Tsal’alh firehall).

A finalized Seton Firehall lease would also result in Tsal’alh moving some of their firefighting equipment into the firehall. The placement of this firefighting equipment at this location would ensure the most favourable Fire Underwriters’ Survey (FUS) grading will be preserved, resulting in the lowest possible homeowner insurance rates for property owners in the community.

The SLRD’s goals are to:

  1. Provide OFC-compliant fire service for the Seton fire protection service area; and
  2. Preserve the most favourable FUS grading possible in order to provide the most affordable homeowner insurance rates.

Additional information regarding this service will be shared on this project page as it becomes available.


For more information about this service, contact:

Rob Van Doorn - Regional Fire Chief
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
T: 604-938-3546 

Mark Phillips - Director of Protective Services
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District 
T: 604-698-6442